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Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical component of any effective digital marketing strategy.

By utilizing SEO for your property management company, you can take advantage of the thousands of people searching for your services every month. 

In other words, if your property management company captures more Google searches, you’ll get more customers. 

Keep on reading to get our expert advice on how you can use SEO to optimize your property management website today!


Video Transcript

In today’s video, I’m going to talk to you about Property Management SEO. 

What is SEO?

Before I get into it, for those of you that don’t know what SEO is, it’s essentially the process of optimizing your website to show up in the organic search results for keywords your target audience is searching for. 


The SEO Breakdown

So, if you’re a Property Management company and you want to target rental property owners, you’d want to show up in Google in that organic search section for terms that rental property owners in your market are searching for. 

Just to show you quickly exactly what I’m talking about, I’ll pull up a Google search result. 

If we were to type in “Property Management Chicago”, the organic section is below the fold.

If you keep scrolling down below, this map section is considered organic.

Overview of SEO For Property Management Companies

Then we have this section below the maps as well which is also organic.

Overview of SEO For Property Management Companies

Now, why are these organic sections important if you can be running paid ads and just showing up at the top? 

Well, the reason is that 71.33% of all searches resulted in a page one Google organic click. (source)

Overview of SEO For Property Management Companies

That means the majority of people who go online and search, scroll straight passed those paid ads and head on down to the organic section. 

So essentially, SEO will end up producing a lot more traffic for your company if it’s done properly. 

But SEO isn’t necessarily right for all companies. I’ve heard the saying “SEO won’t save your business” and to be honest, that’s absolutely correct. 

SEO is not geared for somebody who’s just starting out. It’s made for someone who is already running an established Property Management company. For those that already have a consistent amount of cash coming in and have some money to reinvest back into the business. 

The reason why you would want to reinvest in your company in this way is because long-term SEO provides the highest return on investment.

At Upkeep Media, we will generally start companies off on a paid ad strategy. Then we add on an organic approach as time progresses and our clients gain more and more business, allowing them to reinvest some of those profits back into their company. 


Why SEO Matters 

Now, why exactly is SEO important? Well, it drives targeted traffic to your website. It gets people in the door which then allows you to:

A) Close a percentage of those people that visit your website into leads. 

B) For the people that don’t actually close and become a lead, you’re then able to re-market to those individuals.

With re-marketing, you’re able to get that traffic from the organic section of Google and then run paid ads to retarget anybody who’s already visited your website. 

The benefit of doing that is the cost to run retargeting ads is a fraction of the cost that it would be to run cold traffic ads. So essentially, your traffic potential is exponentially higher when you’re doing an SEO campaign than when you’re running a paid ads campaign.

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Understanding the Different Types of Keywords

Buyer Intent Keywords

When you’re running an SEO campaign, most people typically think of buyer intent keywords

When someone says SEO, what comes to mind for most people is something like “Dallas Property Management”. That’s what we call a buyer intent keyword.

That’s what we call hot traffic. It’s somebody who is searching for something that it is giving the indication that they’re looking to hire a property management company. 

An example would be “Dallas Property Management”.

Overview of SEO For Property Management Companies

We see this company specializes in Dallas and is showing up in the organic section for these relevant keywords. That is what most people think of when it comes to SEO, and they’re not wrong. 

But also know if that’s how you think of this, you’re missing out on a ton of potential traffic. The reason being is because you are not bringing in any long-tail keywords


Long-Tail Keywords

A long-tail keyword would be something like “Security Deposit Laws in Dallas”. 

Now, why would somebody want to rank for that? Why would someone want to show up in that organic section? 

Well, because someone that’s searching for security deposit laws in Dallas is obviously somebody who is encountering a situation where they need to know the security deposit laws. This means they’re most likely someone who owns a rental property.

Overview of SEO For Property Management Companies

If you’re able to then get that person to click through to your website, they’d then be in your marketing funnel. They found out about your business, so you’ve raised awareness about your brand and you’re able to remarket to those individuals wherever they go online. 

One way you can remarket to them is by installing a pixel on the backend of your website and retarget them whenever they go on to Facebook, for example. 

Thanks to that pixel, whenever they log in to their Facebook profile, they can now see your company. Whenever they go on other websites online, you can remarket to them with Google display ads. 

So essentially, it allows you to get people into your funnel for much cheaper than it would be if you’re running paid ads.



Just to prove my point, 92.42% of all searches online are long-tail keywords. (source)

There’s a ton of potential traffic you could be reaching by running an SEO campaign.

Overview of SEO For Property Management Companies

Doing so will help you get those potential leads into your funnel, which will then allow you to remarket to them. A percent of those individuals will then convert and become a lead and then a door for your business.

Personal Introduction

My name is Stephen Fox. I’m one of the co-founders at Upkeep Media. 

We specialize in helping Property Management companies grow. You can visit our website at

We offer something called a Free Growth Marketing Session. We can show you how your site is performing from an SEO perspective and what your competition is doing as well. 

If you enjoyed this video and would like to see other content, please hit the subscribe button in the bottom right of this video and check out our blog at for more information on how you can grow your Property Management company. 

I’ll speak to you soon. Thanks!