Online reviews can make or break you when you are looking to attract residents to your community. Choosing a place to live is an extremely personal decision. Having a strong online reputation can help prospective residents feel confident in their decision to live in your apartment community. But tons of negative reviews? Potential tenants will skip right over you and look for an apartment community with a better reputation.
Luckily, our apartment reputation management services are set up to only allow positive reviews to be posted online. We know the importance of positive reviews and our services protect you from negative ones.
Let’s get into the benefits of reputation management.
Let’s get into the
benefits of reputation management
Let’s get into the benefits of reputation management

Benefits You Can Expect
Receive more resident applications
In today’s digital world, potential renters will read reviews of your community before applying for one of your vacancies. By focusing on your online reputation it will make potential tenants far more likely to apply for your vacancies. Simply put, the more positive reviews you have online, the more likely you will be to attract residents.
Improve your SEO rankings
The more reviews you have, the more likely it is that search engines will boost you to the top of results pages. This improved visibility will increase your web traffic, which will lead to a boost in tenant applications. But don’t be fooled; simply having a high number of reviews will not inherently boost your SEO ranking. Search engine algorithms factor in the quantity, diversity and quality of your online reviews when selecting top ranking search engine results. We can help you there.
Continuously improve your business model and customer service
Smart property managers use online reviews as a way to gain valuable insight and feedback on how to improve their company’s customer service. While it sometimes may be difficult, both positive and negative reviews help you to learn from the experiences of your residents so you can address challenges and opportunities throughout your business model.
How it Works
At Upkeep Media, our apartment reputation management services can help your community by improving your SEO and increasing your lease conversion. Here’s how we do it:
Step 1 – Monthly Review Requests
Every month, our team will send out review request emails to your current and past residents. All you need to do is send us a list of names and emails, and we handle it from there. You have enough going on, and we keep the process as simple as possible for you.

Step 2 – Clients Select Their Review Rating
Residents who select a four or five-star rating will be asked to leave a more comprehensive review about their personal experience with your community. These reviews will be posted directly on Google My Business so that you can see your tenant’s positive feedback quickly and seamlessly.
If a tenant selects three stars or lower, they will be redirected to provide further feedback on how your community can improve your services. Rather than this information being shared directly online, this review is sent straight to you for additional action.
Want to learn more about Upkeep Media’s reputation management services? Contact us today!
How it Works
Step 1 – Monthly Review Requests
Monthly review request emails will be sent out to your owners and tenants asking for their feedback. Once they receive the email, they will click the ‘Review Us Now’ button. This will bring them to an area where they can submit a review for your company that will not be published online.

Step 2 – Clients Select Their Review Rating
Your tenants and owners are asked to select a star rating based on their experience with your property management company.

Step 3a – Happy Customer Reviews Are Left Online
If they select a 4 or 5 star rating they will be asked to leave a review online. First your customer will click on the website where they would like to leave a review. Then they will be taken directly to your property management company’s profile where they can leave a review. This makes the review process a quick and painless process for your customers.

Step 3b – Unhappy Customer Reviews Remain Offline
If they select 3 stars or lower they will be asked to provide feedback on how you can improve your service. This information will be sent directly to you, rather than being published online. This is excellent feedback you should use to improve your business.

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I locked into a long term contract?
No you are not locked into a long term contract. We have monthly plans starting at $79.99/month for month-to-month billing.
What work do you require from me?
Absolutely none. The only thing we require from you is an email list of your current clients. This is needed so that we know who we should contact for a review request.
I own a multi-location business, is this still applicable for my business?
Definitely. We simply charge an additional $19.99 per location.

Am I locked into a long term contract?
No you are not locked into a long term contract. We have monthly plans starting at $39.99/month for month-to-month billing.
What work do you require from me?
Absolutely none. The only thing we require from you is an email list of your current clients. This is needed so that we know who we should contact for a review request.
I own a multi-location business, is this still applicable for my business?
Definitely. We simply charge an additional $19.99 per location.