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There is no doubt that landing pages can be one of your property management company’s biggest sources of lead generation. Converting website visitors into leads without them can be much more limited, as would attempting reconversions or beneficial offers. The fact is that the better-targeted pages are simply better suited to capturing users than many of your site’s main pages. At the end of the day, landing pages should be an important element of any successful marketing campaign for your property management company

Whether you’re running a pay-per-click campaign or a social media ads campaign, you should be directing your traffic to a dedicated landing page.

So, what are the best optimization techniques that you can apply to your landing pages to help boost conversions?

1 –  Include CORE Elements

There are a few things that every landing page needs, no matter what you intend your landing page to sell or convert for. All landing pages should always consist of:


  • Headlines and subheadings – make the core message of your page stand out.
  • Brief, concise copy of what the page offers.
  • One supporting image (at least).
  • Membership logos, testimonials, other supporting materials can be especially important as a property management company.
  • A contact form – VITAL! You need this to capture a visitor’s information.


To make transactions happen on your landing pages, you need these elements at the very least and no landing page is complete without them.


Landing Page Example

2 – Offer Value

A landing page with no real value is, at the end of the day, no better than any other informative piece of content on your site. In order for a landing page to work, it needs to drive the user to act. The tenant should feel compelled to book a viewing, the landlord should seek out your property management service immediately, and so on and so forth. A rehash of your regular services, whilst important to you, will not give your user any increase in value.


Simply, if there is no difference in value between the main pages on your website and a landing page, then you’re doing the landing page wrong.


And, to put your fears at ease, the value of your landing page does not always have to be monetary. Create a long form guide to becoming a landlord for the first time, produce an eBook about the state of the property market in 2018, if you think your potential customers will find it worthwhile, then create it. This can then become gated content for your landing page, i.e. fill in the form and receive our amazing piece of industry-related content.

Property Management Landing Page

So long as you are compliant to data protection legislation, then you should be able to create a reasonable list of prospects, even several if you have various gated content offers with different topics.


This list can then be used further for email marketing campaigns, with landing pages of their own. Which can be tailored depending on the list (thus helping you to avoid sending a guide to tenancy agreements to a tenant instead of a landlord).


3 – Remove Navigation

Wait, really? Well yes. As soon as a user navigates away from the contact form to explore the rest of your site, the chances of losing them rise exponentially. And, chances are, if they were interested enough to look through your site, then they may have been interested enough to convert. If only they hadn’t been able to leave the landing page.


Think of it this way: the main aim of your landing page is to keep the person on it long enough to convert. If you have included the right, vital information on the page then they should have no need to navigate elsewhere anyway. So, remove the main navigation bar and in doing so you will also remove the likelihood of the user dropping off before converting.


4 – Less is Best



Concise, concentrated, copy is the true goal of every landing page.


The urge to cram as much as possible in there is natural and how you would normally go about creating a webpage. But, like this section, keep it short, to the point and don’t overcrowd the space.

5 – Contact Forming


A contact form can make or break your landing page. It needs to collect the information you need, yes, but not at the expense of putting the user off in the first place. It needs to be simple. It needs to be easy. And it shouldn’t scare away your prospective lead. What scares people away? Asking for everything from their name to the maiden name of their mother (and yes, this is actually something we have seen done before – luckily, not by a property management company).


Some quick tips for contact form optimisation include:

  • Limit the space between boxes, the shorter the form seems (even if it isn’t) can lead to more conversions.
  • Try to limit the information to as few details as possible – i.e. name, property address, phone number and a box to write any questions or comments.
  • Don’t use the word “Submit” as it is statistically proven to put users off. Use phrases such as “Download Free eBook Now”, “Subscribe to Our Newsletter” or something equally as inviting instead.

6 – Keep it Social



Where is the majority of your landing page traffic coming from? Email campaigns? Special site banners? Ads on other sites? Wherever it is, you are likely not utilising social media in the right way in order to benefit these landing pages alongside your other sources. If you’re sharing them on social media at all that is. If you have built a relevant audience on your social feeds, then there is no reason why sharing your landing page on there shouldn’t lead to a number of conversions. And as we’ve previously covered, social media can be a great benefit to your property management company.


And even if your audience never directly converts for you, make it shareable and easy for them to send to other people. This social interaction could prompt conversions from people outside of your main followers and thus there is great value in having shared it.


In property management, it is likely your social profiles will have a very niche and highly relevant followers and so there is an opportunity there.

BONUS: More, More, More


The more landing pages you have, the better successes you will see and more returns. It’s a commonly accepted fact of marketing, check out Hubspot or similar sources for a more detailed look. But, ultimately it makes sense. After all, the more water you put in the kettle, the more cups of tea you will have once it’s boiled.


So, if there is one thing you take away from the above landing page tips, let it be this: lead generation needs more, high-quality landing pages. Stop letting your landing pages lie dormant. Optimize, utilize and monetize them.


This article was provided by Roger Hannah & Co. Roger Hannah & Co. provides commercial property management service in Manchester, Uk.