2500 New Doors Under Management [24 Months]


Young Management


Young Management is an apartment management and single-family home management company servicing Kansas City, Mo.

The Problem


Low Google Ranking

Young Management was ranking very poorly for most buyer intent keywords on Google.


Few Internet Leads

Young Management was looking to grow their business but was receiving very little leads from their website.

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The Results


Increase in organic traffic

2500 Doors

Added in 24 months

Organic Ranking Data

Organic Traffic Increase

What They Have to Say

Upkeep Media has been a great business partner of ours. They are great at what they do and have played an important role in our success. It's now been two years and we've gone from 1500 units to now managing over 4000 units. We are a very specialized company and the Upkeep team has helped us target the right people.

Jason Lundgren

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